Resolution: Done
2.1.0.Final, 3.0.0.Alpha1
Using 'deploy --force' command on CLI batch mode fails and returns an error message: "Request is missing the address part."
jboss-cli.sh --connect --controller= --user=admin --password=xxx --file="deploy.cli"
batch deploy --force ./jboss-ejb-in-ear.ear run-batch
Failed to handle 'run-batch': org.jboss.as.cli.CommandFormatException: Request is missing the address part.: Request is missing the address part.
The batch failed with the following error (you are remaining in the batch editing mode to have a chance to correct the error): Request is missing the address part.
The batch executed successfully
However, it's working in "WildFly 10 CLI interactive mode" and "JBoss AS 7 CLI batch" without error.
There is no adding "address" key in buildDeploymentReplace() of DeployHandler like below.
Even though on CLI batch mode it validates existence of "address" key in request with Util.validateRequest(), when 'run-batch' command execute in org.jboss.as.cli.handlers.batch.BatchRunHandler.doHandle()
- First deploy: add by org.jboss.as.cli.handlers.DeployHandler.buildDeploymentAdd()
{ "operation" => "add", "address" => {"deployment" => "jboss-ejb-in-ear.ear"}, "content" => [{"bytes" => bytes { ... }}] }
- After deploy: replace by org.jboss.as.cli.handlers.DeployHandler.buildDeploymentReplace()
{ "operation" => "full-replace-deployment", "name" => "jboss-ejb-in-ear.ear", "enabled" => true, "content" => [{"bytes" => bytes { ... }}] }
- Expected by org.jboss.as.cli.handlers.DeployHandler.buildDeploymentReplace()
{ "operation" => "full-replace-deployment", "name" => "jboss-ejb-in-ear.ear", "address" => [], "enabled" => true, "content" => [{"bytes" => bytes { ... }}] }
- is cloned by
JBEAP-4651 [GSS](7.0.z) Failed CLI batch command with "deploy --force" for replace deployment
- Verified