Feature Request
Resolution: Done
[13:48] Kabir Khan: @BrianStansberry @JasonGreene $./build/target/wildfly-core-2.0.0.CR7-SNAPSHOT/bin/standalone.sh --server-config=20151013-134726769standalone.xml looks for that file in the snapshots directory [13:48] Kabir Khan: [standalone@localhost:9990 /] :list-snapshots { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "directory" => "/Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/wildfly/git/wildfly-core/build/target/wildfly-core-2.0.0.CR7-SNAPSHOT/standalone/configuration/standalone_xml_history/snapshot", "names" => [ "20151013-134523280standalone.xml", "20151013-134726769standalone.xml" ] } } Show less [13:50] Kabir Khan: server-config should probably be a parameter to the :reload operation
Similarly we should add host-config and domain-config parameters to the host's reload operation. Using domain-config on a non-DC host should fail.
For a domain server, we should not have the server-config parameter.
We should check the existence of the file before the reload actually is done, or we will end up in a sticky situation.
- duplicates
WFCORE-351 CLI "revert to snapshot" command
- Resolved