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  1. Weld
  2. WELD-2178

Misleading error message during Weld bootstrap


      For weld-se 2.3.4.Final and even for Java 8 + weld-se-core 3.0.0.Alpha16 I'm getting following error message when executing the attached sample app:

      org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: WELD-001308: Unable to resolve any beans for Type: class weld.bug.report.demo.BeanA; Qualifiers: []
      		at org.jboss.weld.bean.builtin.InstanceImpl.get(InstanceImpl.java:100)
      		at weld.bug.report.demo.Main.main(Main.java:14)

      So we are getting UnsatisfiedResolutionException while the bean definition clearly exists but the real problem is lack of the default constructor inside BeanA class. Unfortunately error message says nothing about this.

      IMHO it is misleading.

      Expected behaviour: approperiate error message which would say something like "Lack of the approperiate constructor".

              tremes1@redhat.com Tomas Remes
              gdemecki Grzegorz Demecki (Inactive)
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              3 Start watching this issue
