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  1. Weld
  2. WELD-2009

CDI Interceptor/Decorator order precendence when @Priority used and decorator defined in beans.xml


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 2.2.10.SP1
    • None


      We would like clarification regarding what the expected behaviour according to the CDI 1.2 spec based on this use case.

      We have a project which has 2 Decorator classes ( Class A and B) which has the Priority enabled in the class via the @Priority annotatation whereby class A has a higher priority over class B based on the Priority annotation.

      In the same project, we have these 2 decorator classes defined in the file beans.xml whereby Class B is specified before Class A in the decorator element as below.

      When we execute the project we notice that Class A is enabled before Class B despite the definition of beans.xml overriding the order specified by the @Priority annotation. We would like to clarify the expected behaviour here based on the CDI 1.2 spec. Are decorators enabled using @Priority called before decorators enabled using beans.xml? Does the order of Decorators in beans.xml take precedence over those defined by the Priority annotation?

      beans.xml snippet:

      <class>Class B</class>
      <class>Class A</class>

      <class>Class B</class>
      <class>Class A</class>


            Unassigned Unassigned
            dwinters1980 David Winters (Inactive)
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