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  1. Weld
  2. WELD-1674

The id generated by URLScanner.getId(String) is not unique in case of directories


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.2.2.Final
    • 2.2.1.Final
    • Java SE Support
    • None
    • Hide

      .) Create two java projects in eclipse.
      .) Let one project depends on the ohter.
      .) Both must have a beans.xml provided.
      .) Inject a bean from the first project in the second one.
      .) Use the bean from the second project in an unit tests

      .) Create two java projects in eclipse. .) Let one project depends on the ohter. .) Both must have a beans.xml provided. .) Inject a bean from the first project in the second one. .) Use the bean from the second project in an unit tests

      The id generated by org.jboss.weld.environment.se.discovery.url.URLScanner.getId(String) is not unique in case of directories.

      In eclipse compiled classes of a java project will be saved in a folder called classes. If there are more projects which depend on each other this will result in duplicate ids with the value 'classes'.

      Later on this id will be used during creation of the bean managers an therefore on e bean manager will be overridden by another one if the BeanDeploymentArchive provides the same id.

      At the this will lead to dependency resolution error because of missing beans.

            mkouba@redhat.com Martin Kouba
            thomas.woeckinger@gmail.com Thomas Wöckinger-Biermair
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