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  1. Weld
  2. WELD-1647

Complete checks for lifecycle events invocation at runtime


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.2.0.Final
    • 2.2.0.CR1
    • Extensions
    • None

      Basically it's to reflect all changes mentioned in CDI-425. Currently there are some checks for "write/add/set" methods mainly in BeforeBeanDiscovery, AfterTypeDiscovery and AfterBeanDiscovery AFAIK.
      There's need to expand these checks for all methods mentioned in the CDI issue - namely AfterDeploymentValidation, ProcessAnnotatedType, ProcessBean, ProcessBeanAttributes, ProcessInjectionPoint etc.
      I am not sure, if there's need for some extra check for situation -e.g when accessing PAT during ProcessBean event, but this should result to IllegalStateException as well.

            rhn-engineering-jharting Jozef Hartinger
            tremes1@redhat.com Tomas Remes
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