Resolution: Done
- 16.2 AfterTypeDiscovery missing
- 16.2
if ( pat.getAnnotatedType().isAnnotionPresent(Ignore.class) ) pat.veto();
typo "isAnnotionPresent"
- 16.2 The @Ignore example should probably use @WithAnnotations(
- 16.3 BeanManager interface,
getInjectionTargetFactory missing
getProducerFactory missing
createBean incorrect argument types (should use InjectionTargetFactory / ProducerFactory)
- 16.6 "The Bean interface" obsolete, should be updated to CDI 1.1 (split to BeanAttributes interface)
- 16.7 "Registering a Bean"
there are some imports in the example, but not all (the other examples have the same issue)
- 16.8 The QualifiedNameExtension is just utterly broken and probably never could have worked the way it is written.
- 16.8 ServiceAlternativeExtension example, changing isAnnotationPresent is not enough (I doubt it is ever called), the trick is to do it in getAnnotations()
- 16.9 BeanAttributes doesn't seem to have isNullable (Bean<T> do)
- 16.10 The ConfigExtension example
at.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".properties";
should be
at.getJavaClass().getSimpleName() + ".properties";
also, consider using getDeclaredField instead of getField
- 16.12 There is no javax.enterprise.inject.spi.ProcessModule in CDI 1.1