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  1. Weld
  2. WELD-1575

@SessionScoped producers called multiple times in the same context in Java SE


      • Transitive @Injection of a @SessionScoped instance
      • Producer in another thread.
      • @SessionScoped instance is produced twice.

      This bugfix is similiar to problem reported by WELD-1155.

      In Java SE the following occurred:

      • One thread (T1) is resolving an ordinary build-in-scope-proxy that has not yet been initialized.
      • The production take place in another thread (T2). In our application this is caused by a special producer methodology. One transitive @Injection Point is a @SessionScoped bean (SB). This @SessionScoped-Bean (SB)is produced correctly.
      • Then in the origin Thread (A) the code passes the proxy related to (SB). (SB )gets produced again for the identical session !

      The problem is caused by a similiar fixed problem reported by WELD-1155.

      AttributeBeanStore#attach is copying some Maps (in Thread A). This copies are not changed by production (in Thread B).

      The bugfix for WELD-1155 has taken place in a http-related context that is not used in Java SE.

      Is it possible to move-up the bugfix into the base-implementations that are currently also used with Java-SE ?

              mkouba@redhat.com Martin Kouba
              javaner Christian Falkowski (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
