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  1. MicroShift
  2. USHIFT-4134

microshift-test-agent gets Terminated twice in a row which leaves backups dir immutable


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
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    • False
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    • False
    • uShift Sprint 259

      Description of problem:

      For some reason, microshift-test-agent.sh gets terminated twice very quickly which doesn't let `chattr -i` clean up the backups dir immutability.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      17/257 =~ 6.6%

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy R4E system
      2. Edit the microshift-test-agent.sh to not check the boot_counter (so it's active always, not only on staged deployments)
      3. Set up /var/lib/microshift-test-agent.json so that the currently active deployment gets `prevent_backup` action, e.g.:
      {"rhel-df05aafa1c86eeb1f91293ec4adabcd6c10f52f2526c4bb8d82b1d7d735b54e5.0": { "every": ["prevent_backup"]}}
      4. In a loop:
         a. Reboot the host
         b. Grep microshift-test-agent's journal for line that confirms successful removal of immutability:
      ssh HOST "sudo journalctl -u microshift-test-agent -b-1 --grep 'Flags of /var/lib/microshift-backups set as ---------'"

      Actual results:

      microshift-test-agent.sh[754]: Terminated
      microshift-test-agent.sh[754]: ++ _cleanup
      microshift-test-agent.sh[754]: ++ for cmd in "${CLEANUP_CMDS[@]}" 
      microshift-test-agent.sh[754]: ++ chattr -V -i /var/lib/microshift-backups
      microshift-test-agent.sh[754]: Terminated
      systemd[1]: microshift-test-agent.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=143/n/a
      systemd[1]: microshift-test-agent.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

      Expected results:

      microshift-test-agent exits successfully, its journal contains
      > Flags of /var/lib/microshift-backups set as ---------

      Additional info:


              pmatusza@redhat.com Patryk Matuszak
              pmatusza@redhat.com Patryk Matuszak
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
