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  1. MicroShift
  2. USHIFT-1628

automated test for microshift on host without an active NIC or default route


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • openshift-4.14
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • uShift Sprint 243, uShift Sprint 244, uShift Sprint 245

      We need an automated test to verify that basic MicroShift functionality works on a host that has no IP, route, or network access.

      https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jxst5rq02J3DZAaytm31UTV7v-6xjWNqp-xsMTQAprI/edit#heading=h.f6dzi0oc2i8e describes how to create a VM and disable the network.

      The "virsh console" command can be used to connect to the VM's serial console after the work of USHIFT-1623 is done. We can use the pexpect library with RF to connect to the serial console and drive some basic operations.

            jcope@redhat.com Jon Cope
            dhellman@redhat.com Doug Hellmann
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