Resolution: Done
We just experienced an issue about infinispan distributed session hang forever in our cluster enabled environment. After investigation, we finally found it is due to a StackOverflowError throw in the Wildfly internal, after doing the following thing:
<!-- some other HTML tag here, which is not related, just need to ensure something already write to the output --> <jsp:include page="/include.jsp" />
<% // read and write some session attributes here, to lock the infinispan distributed session forever... session.setAttribute("someAttribute", "someValue"); // then do a Servlet forward, will result in a StackOverflowError, and the infinispan cache lock will not be release, so the whole server hang... // while the "forward.jsp" is not related, can even be a blank JSP. request.getRequestDispatcher("/forward.jsp").forward(request, response); return; %>
This issue already tested in Wildfly 8.2.1.Final, 9.0.2.Final and 10.0.0.Final with the shipped standalone-full-ha.xml configuration, both of them can be reproduced.
The reproducible sample is enclosed.
- is related to
UNDERTOW-690 Encountered JasperException shown in server log when calling Servlet forward after JSP include call, but the response is success.
- Resolved