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  1. Undertow
  2. UNDERTOW-1559

Weld complains Servlet container is not fully compliant


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.0.22.Final
    • 2.0.21.Final
    • Servlet
    • None

      If you use the reproducer for UNDERTOW-1402, you get a few warnings from Weld because the http context lifecycle listener never gets a request destroyed notification:

       2019-06-13 17:32:51,914 WARN  [org.jboss.weld.Servlet] (default task-1) WELD-000714: HttpContextLifecycle guard leak detected. The Servlet container is not fully compliant. The value was 1
      2019-06-13 17:32:51,916 WARN  [org.jboss.weld.Context] (default task-1) WELD-000225: Bean store leak detected during org.jboss.weld.module.web.context.http.HttpRequestContextImpl association: HttpServletRequestImpl [ GET /servlet-async/AsynchronousServlet ]
      2019-06-13 17:32:51,916 WARN  [org.jboss.weld.Context] (default task-1) WELD-000225: Bean store leak detected during org.jboss.weld.module.web.context.http.HttpSessionContextImpl association: HttpServletRequestImpl [ GET /servlet-async/AsynchronousServlet ]

            flaviarnn Flavia Rainone
            flaviarnn Flavia Rainone
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