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  1. Undertow
  2. UNDERTOW-1555

JSP hot reloading does not work in subdirectories of an exploded deployment on Windows


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      1. Start JBoss EAP 7 on Windows
      2. Deploy an exploded web application which has a JSP file in subdirectories

       |-- example.war/
       |    |-- test
       |    |    |-- test.html
       |    |    `-- test.jsp
       |    `-- WEB-INF
       `-- example.war.dodeploy

      test.jsp contains the following:


      3. Access "http://localhost:8080/example/test/test.jsp"

      4. Update the content of "standalone/example.war/test/test.jsp" like the following

      out.println("<p>update test</p>");

      5. Access "http://localhost:8080/example/test/test.jsp" but the old content is still returned

      1. Start JBoss EAP 7 on Windows 2. Deploy an exploded web application which has a JSP file in subdirectories standalone/deployments/ |-- example.war/ | |-- test | | |-- test.html | | `-- test.jsp | `-- WEB-INF `-- example.war.dodeploy test.jsp contains the following: <% out.println( "<p>test</p>" ); %> 3. Access "http://localhost:8080/example/test/test.jsp" 4. Update the content of "standalone/example.war/test/test.jsp" like the following <% out.println( "<p>test</p>" ); out.println( "<p>update test</p>" ); %> 5. Access "http://localhost:8080/example/test/test.jsp" but the old content is still returned

      JSP changes in the top directory of an exploded deployment can be picked up correctly, but it does not work for the JSP files in subdirectories.

      The file system watcher (XNIO's FileSystemWatcher) is enabled by default and the file change event is triggered correctly. However, the path information of the event contains '\' for the files in subdirectories on Windows. This causes failure to trigger JspServletWrapper.jspFileChanged() because the triggered path is different from the key for the JspServletWrapper. Therefore, the updated JSP file is never recompiled in subdirectories and the old content is still returned until the application is redeployed.

            flaviarnn Flavia Rainone
            rhn-support-mmiura Masafumi Miura
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
