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  1. Undertow
  2. UNDERTOW-1399

multibytes language in URL query part of request to ajp-listener is broken

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      1. unzip EAP7.1.3 and start ./bin/standalone.sh
      2. in CLI, prepare following:
        deploy helloworld.war
      3. prepare JBCS httpd mod_jk with one worker - currently running EAP
      4. perform request against JBCS httpd:
        curl "http://localhost:8280/helloworld/한글이름_test.html?param=한글이름_ahoy" -v >/dev/null
      5. see result in access.log
      unzip EAP7.1.3 and start ./bin/standalone.sh in CLI, prepare following: /subsystem=undertow/server= default -server/ajp-listener=ajp:add(socket-binding=ajp) /subsystem=undertow/server= default -server/host= default -host/setting=access-log:add() deploy helloworld.war prepare JBCS httpd mod_jk with one worker - currently running EAP perform request against JBCS httpd: curl "http: //localhost:8280/helloworld/한글이름_test.html?param=한글이름_ahoy" -v >/dev/ null see result in access.log

      This is a followup for JBEAP-15128. Current implementation doesn't handle a query part of the URI same way as for the URL path part, see here. This results into a situation that incorrect value is propagated in the access.log. See here:

      actual - - [16/Aug/2018:16:50:01 +0200] "GET /helloworld/한글이름_test.html?param=한글이ë¦
                                                                                                      _ahoy HTTP/1.1" 200 950
      expected - - [16/Aug/2018:16:48:57 +0200] "GET /helloworld/한글이름_test.html?param=한글이름_ahoy HTTP/1.1" 200 950

      Note: this is a regression against EAP7.1.0 where this worked well.

              sdouglas1@redhat.com Stuart Douglas (Inactive)
              jstourac@redhat.com Jan Stourac
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
