Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-1064 - Improve upgrades - phase 3 - Control plane & worker node independence
These are alarming conditions which may frighten customers, and we don't want to see them in our own, controlled, repeatable update CI. This example job had logs like:
: [bz-Image Registry] clusteroperator/image-registry should not change condition/Available expand_less Run #0: Failed expand_less 1h58m17s { 0 unexpected clusteroperator state transitions during e2e test run, as desired. 3 unwelcome but acceptable clusteroperator state transitions during e2e test run. These should not happen, but because they are tied to exceptions, the fact that they did happen is not sufficient to cause this test-case to fail: Jan 09 12:43:04.348 E clusteroperator/image-registry condition/Available reason/NoReplicasAvailable status/False Available: The deployment does not have available replicas\nNodeCADaemonAvailable: The daemon set node-ca has available replicas\nImagePrunerAvailable: Pruner CronJob has been created (exception: We are not worried about Available=False or Degraded=True blips for stable-system tests yet.) Jan 09 12:43:04.348 - 56s E clusteroperator/image-registry condition/Available reason/NoReplicasAvailable status/False Available: The deployment does not have available replicas\nNodeCADaemonAvailable: The daemon set node-ca has available replicas\nImagePrunerAvailable: Pruner CronJob has been created (exception: We are not worried about Available=False or Degraded=True blips for stable-system tests yet.) Jan 09 12:44:00.860 W clusteroperator/image-registry condition/Available reason/Ready status/True Available: The registry is ready\nNodeCADaemonAvailable: The daemon set node-ca has available replicas\nImagePrunerAvailable: Pruner CronJob has been created (exception: Available=True is the happy case) }
And the job still passed.
Definition of done:
- account is impacted by
OCPBUGS-41527 ingress operator changed condition/Available to false during non-upgrade job
- Closed
- clones
TRT-1575 CI: fail update suite if any ClusterOperator go Degraded=True
- Review
- depends on
OTA-362 CI: fail update suite if any ClusterOperator go Available=False
- Closed
- relates to
OCPBUGS-29184 Registry operator on vSphere gets Available=false during upgrade
- Closed
- links to
(3 links to)