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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-8426

APIcast strips request path for proxied https requests


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • +
      • Configure the Backend with any path other than / 
    • Hide


      1. Backend with public path = /
      2. Upstream with https:// scheme and a path in its private URL, like: https://echo-api.3scale.net/some/path
      3. Https proxy (configured on APIcast for upstream connections)
      4. Send a request to APIcast with a certain path appended http://public-base-url/foo/bar
      5. Verify the request was actually sent to https://echo-api.3scale.net/some/path instead of the expected https://echo-api.3scale.net/some/path/foo/bar
      Configure: Backend with public path = / Upstream with https:// scheme and a path in its private URL, like: https://echo-api.3scale.net/some/path Https proxy (configured on APIcast for upstream connections) Send a request to APIcast with a certain path appended http://public-base-url/foo/bar Verify the request was actually sent to https://echo-api.3scale.net/some/path instead of the expected https://echo-api.3scale.net/some/path/foo/bar

      APIcast strips the path from requests when it is configured with a forward proxy.

      The requirements to reproduce are described in the Steps to Reproduce section.


      Dev notes:

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-sillumin Samuele Illuminati (Inactive)
              Marian Ganisin Marian Ganisin (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
