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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management

Default Plan drop down selector should ask for confirmation before changing


      On the applications plan page the default plan drop down selector saves on change. Since this change can have a major impact this change should require a confirmation. It's too easy to inadvertently make a change without realizing it.

      To reproduce: 

      • Go to http://provider-admin.lvh.me:3000/apiconfig/services/2/application_plans
      • Confirm the change button is disabled
      • Change the default application plan and check if confirmation notice is received
      • Confirm the change button is disabled
      • Change the plan on select, confirm change button is available
      • Go back to previous plan and confirm change button is disabled

        1. Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 11.02.00.png
          14 kB
          Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo
        2. image-2022-08-16-14-14-39-799.png
          28 kB
          Jakub Smolár
        3. Capture.PNG
          63 kB
          Shannon Poole
        4. Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-24 a las 11.48.03.png
          426 kB
          Luis Villen Jaldon

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-spoole Shannon Poole
              Dominik Hlavac Duran Dominik Hlavac Duran
              Luis Villen Jaldon Luis Villen Jaldon
              June Zhang June Zhang
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
