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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-7911

Operator failing to sync CRDs when using "oc apply" with backend+product configuration


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      Following are the steps to reproduce the issue.

      1. Login to the project where the apimanager is deployed using oc login and oc project commands.
      2. Make sure to update the systemMasterUrl in the with-tenant.yaml
      3. oc apply -f tenant.yaml
      4. oc apply Backend-product.yaml
      5. Check the operator logs oc logs -c manager deployment/threescale-operator-controller-manager, you will notice the error mentioned in the description
      Following are the steps to reproduce the issue. Login to the project where the apimanager is deployed using oc login and oc project commands. Make sure to update the systemMasterUrl in the with-tenant.yaml oc apply -f tenant.yaml oc apply Backend-product.yaml Check the operator logs oc logs -c manager deployment/threescale-operator-controller-manager , you will notice the error mentioned in the description

      When running oc apply command to create backend and product with the CRD content in Backend-product.yaml, the operator is failing to create the product with the following error

      "Task failed SyncBackendUsage: Error sync product [{PRODUCT_NAME}] backendusages: product [{PRODUCT_NAME}] get backendUsages: error calling 3scale system - reason: {\"status\":\"Forbidden\"} - code: 403"

      It seems to be that the token(tenant master token) generated by the operator does not have necessary access to perform the configuration changes for the product.

      Please see this comment .

              Unassigned Unassigned
              cabeywar-cssre Chamal Abeywardhana
              Martin Kudlej Martin Kudlej
              Eguzki Astiz Lezaun Eguzki Astiz Lezaun
              2 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
