Resolution: Done
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
When product > settings > user rules > Developers can select a plan when creating a new application is unchecked, admin portal users cannot select application plan in any of the application create forms and thus not create an application.
[THREESCALE-7834] admin can't create application when developer is not allowed to pick a plan
Fix Version/s | New: 2.11.1 GA [ 12378474 ] |
Resolution | New: Done [ 1 ] | |
Status | Original: To Ship To On-Prem [ 16539 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |
Status | Original: Testing For On-Prem [ 16538 ] | New: To Ship To On-Prem [ 16539 ] |
Status | Original: To Test For On-Prem [ 16537 ] | New: Testing For On-Prem [ 16538 ] |
Status | Original: To Ship To RHOAM [ 16536 ] | New: To Test For On-Prem [ 16537 ] |
Status | Original: Testing For RHOAM [ 16535 ] | New: To Ship To RHOAM [ 16536 ] |
Status | Original: To Test For RHOAM [ 16534 ] | New: Testing For RHOAM [ 16535 ] |
Status | Original: To Deploy On SaaS [ 16533 ] | New: To Test For RHOAM [ 16534 ] |
Status | Original: Testing For SaaS [ 16532 ] | New: To Deploy On SaaS [ 16533 ] |
Status | Original: To Test For SaaS [ 16531 ] | New: Testing For SaaS [ 16532 ] |
Status | Original: Testing (QE) [ 16540 ] | New: To Test For SaaS [ 16531 ] |
Status | Original: To Test (QE) [ 16530 ] | New: Testing (QE) [ 16540 ] |
Tester | Original: Alexander Zgabur [ JIRAUSER165087 ] | New: Hugo Chrast [ hchrast ] |
Tester | Original: Dominik Hlavac Duran [ dhlavacd ] | New: Alexander Zgabur [ JIRAUSER165087 ] |
Labels | New: 2.11.1-candidate-1 |
Tester | New: Dominik Hlavac Duran [ dhlavacd ] |
Target Release | New: 2.11.1 CR1 [ 12374307 ] |
Assignee | Original: Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo [ jgallaso ] |
Developer | New: Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo [ jgallaso ] |
Status | Original: Developing [ 16527 ] | New: To Test (QE) [ 16530 ] |
Doc Required | New: No [ 13851 ] |
Git Pull Request | New: https://github.com/3scale/porta/pull/2702 |
Assignee | New: Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo [ jgallaso ] |
Status | Original: To Develop [ 16526 ] | New: Developing [ 16527 ] |
Status | Original: New [ 10016 ] | New: To Develop [ 16526 ] |
Attachment | New: Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 10.08.37.png [ 12657670 ] | |
Attachment | New: Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 10.08.17.png [ 12657671 ] |
Since the problem described in this issue should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed.
For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated files, follow the link below.
If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.