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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-7435

APIManager deployed via the operator is not picking up the latest images available


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      • Deploy 3scale operator with subscription to 2.9
        ClusterServiceVersion(CSV): 3scale-operator.v0.6.1
      • Deploy APIManager with default configuration APIManger.yaml
      • After the deployment compare the images used for components with the listed images in the catalog with the tag 2.9
      • You will notice that APIManager is not using the latest images in the catalog.
      • This is security concern when we have patched the images to fix CVEs and deployments are not updating the images to the most secure latest image.
      Deploy 3scale operator with subscription to 2.9 threescale-2.9 ClusterServiceVersion(CSV): 3scale- operator .v0.6.1 Deploy APIManager with default configuration APIManger.yaml After the deployment compare the images used for components with the listed images in the catalog with the tag 2.9 You will notice that APIManager is not using the latest images in the catalog. This is security concern when we have patched the images to fix CVEs and deployments are not updating the images to the most secure latest image.

      • When comparing images used by the APIManager to ones in the catalog, noticed that APIManger is not picking up the latest images for the components.
      • If you refer to the image ( ImageStreams-3scale29.yaml ) used in the APIManager for APICast is registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/apicast-gateway-rhel8@sha256:a3a841ce413b2e050fe44a30f3b3fd82256d91e0daa81f13ecd40f97a95e68ab, but when you check the catalog tag 1.18.0-15(created 10 months ago)
        image is not the latest image for APICast for 3scale 2.9. The latest is tag 1.18.0-15.1608097252(created 8 months ago)
      • My deployment was a fresh deployment of 3scale 2.9 using the operator configuration APIManger.yaml
      • We also have a customer who has migrated 3scale from 2.9 to 2.10 and facing the similar issue of not picking up the latest images.

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            cabeywar-cssre Chamal Abeywardhana
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