Resolution: Done
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Not Started
Not Started
Many files are referencing APIcast V1
Remove the Lua Generators and options in the views using this feature
Dev Notes
We need to remove theApicastV1 rolling update https://github.com/3scale/porta/blob/9201afdf91ebe5f3be8a0ce6689f5859ab1e6288/app/lib/logic/rolling_updates.rb#L246-L254
To do so all providers that are still using it in their services need to be informed in SaaS (but I think it has already been done)
For now we have:
- 17857 providers that can potentially still use APIcast v1
- 16195 proxies that are potentially still on APIcast v1
irb(main):010:0> Account.providers.where { created_at < Date.new(2017, 6, 30) }.to_sql => "SELECT `accounts`.* FROM `accounts` WHERE `accounts`.`provider` = 1 AND (`accounts`.`created_at` < '2017-06-30')" irb(main):011:0> Account.providers.where { created_at < Date.new(2017, 6, 30) }.count => 17857 irb(main):012:0> Proxy.where(apicast_configuration_driven: false).count => 16195
Most of them are scheduled for deletion though
irb(main):018:0> Account.providers.where { (created_at < Date.new(2017, 6, 30)) & (state != 'scheduled_for_deletion') }.to_sql => "SELECT `accounts`.* FROM `accounts` WHERE `accounts`.`provider` = 1 AND (`accounts`.`created_at` < '2017-06-30' AND `accounts`.`state` != 'scheduled_for_deletion')" irb(main):019:0> Account.providers.where { (created_at < Date.new(2017, 6, 30)) & (state != 'scheduled_for_deletion') }.count => 1655
- blocks
THREESCALE-5708 Upgrade from ruby 2.5 to ruby 2.6
- Closed
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