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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management

Update AMP ImageStreams Metadata Annotation.


      We need to update to update the Metadata Annotations for the AMP ImageStreams So we can publish it in the Application Catalog Bundle.

      So for Image Streams the information needed are:

      openshift.io/display-name: iconClass: tags: 

      The components which need this information are:

      • amp-system
      • amp-backend
      • amp-apicast
      • amp-wildcard-router
      • amp-zync

      This is an example of the information that we have for the APIcast ImageStream:

              openshift.io/display-name: 3scale APIcast API Gateway (latest) 
              openshift.io/provider-display-name: Red Hat, Inc.
              iconClass: icon-3scale
              description: >-
                3scale's APIcast is an NGINX based API gateway used to integrate your internal and external 
                API services with 3scale's API Management Platform. It supports OpenID connect to integrate 
                with external Identity Providers such as Red Hat Single Sign On, for API traffic authentication.
              tags: api,gateway,3scale

              dcesario Daniel Cesario da Silva (Inactive)
              dcesario Daniel Cesario da Silva (Inactive)
              Martin Kudlej Martin Kudlej
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
