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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-6878

[3scale][2.11][HI-prio] Improve Select in 'Create new Application' form


      User Story

      As an API Provider, when I am creating a new Application I want to easily find an Application plan so I can subscribe the Application to it.


      Everything that is explained in the mockups, plus:

      • When the 'Product' select is clicked, display 20 most recently created Products in the dropdown menu (sorted by most recent)
      • If the sum of all Products available is higher than 20, display link button to "View all Products"
      • Details of the paginated table listing all the Products in the modal dialog:
        • display 5 Products per page
        • sort table by last updated by default
        • make table filterable by Product name
      • When 'Application plan' select is clicked, display all Application plans for the selected Product in the dropdown menu (sort them alphabetically)
      • If no Application plan exists for the selected product:
        • disable the select
        • and display an inline warning text with following copy: "An Application needs to subscribe to a Product's Application plan, and no Application plans exist for the selected Product. Create a new Application plan", where the "Create a new Application plan" portion of the text is a link to the {Product} > Applications > Application plans > Create Application plan page
      • If Service plans are enabled,
        • If the Account already subscribes to one of the Service plans of the previously selected Product:
          • disable the input field and display the name of the Service plan the Account is currently subscribing to
          • add a helper text with the following copy: "This Account already subscribes to the selected Product’s Service plan. If you want this Account to subscribe to a different Service plan for this Product go to Service subscriptions", where the "Service subscriptions" portion of the text is a link to the Audience > Accounts > Accounts index > {Account} > Service subscriptions page
        • If the Account does not subscribe to any of the Service plans of the previously selected Product yet:
          • the input field will be enabled and will be a typeahead select, displaying all Service plans for the selected Product in the dropdown menu (sort them alphabetically)
          • add a helper text with the following copy: "In order to subscribe the Application to a Product’s Application plan, this Account needs to subscribe to a Product’s Service plan.”
      • If Service plans are disabled, the input field is hidden


      • Path: Audience > Accounts > Account > Applications
      • Marvel

      Acceptance Criteria

      • All requirements have been implemented

              Unassigned Unassigned
              acontini Alessandro Contini (Inactive)
              Dominik Hlavac Duran Dominik Hlavac Duran
              Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo (Inactive)
              Alessandro Contini Alessandro Contini (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
