Feature Request
Resolution: Obsolete
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Currently, most of the 3scale API entities (Products, Backend, Application Plans, ...) can be read (and check existence) by some `ID`. It it very common, though, that customers refer to this entities with the `system_name`, which is also unique. This feature request is to enable fetching entities using the system_name as ID.
Currently, for instance for the Backend entity (but applies to many other),
GET /admin/api/backend_apis/{id}.json
The requested endpoint would be
GET /admin/api/backend_apis/{system_name}.json
As `system_name` is usually part of domain names, it is a valid URL path part.
3scale API clients like 3scale_toolbox or 3scale operator allows the customer to refer to 3scale entities either by ID or system_name (which is more human readable). Usually the workflow is:
- When ID is available, fetch with the ID.
- When system_name is available, fetch the whole list of items, and then filter by system_name
With this feature request implemented, the would not be any need to fetch the whole list of items, which is usually a costly operation as indexes are not used.
List of entities:
- Product (Service)
- Backend
- Application Plan
- Metric
- Method
- ActiveDoc