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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management

Dashboard stream and email notifications should be filtered according to the member permissions


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      Given 2 different services, service A and B under the same provider account:
      1. Log in as admin, configure member 1 to have access to to Developer Accounts - Applications and Integration and Application plans, and to service A and B
      2. Still logged as admin, configure member 2 to have access to Developer Accounts - Applications and Integration and Application plans, and to service A only (in the screenshot 'Sunset')

      3. Log in as member, and go to Personal Settings > Notification preferences and check all notifications
      4. Log in as member 2, and go to Personal Settings > Notification preferences and check all notifications
      5. Log in as admin again, go to applications, select an app that's using service B, and change its plan. Save.
      6. Log in as member 2, and see how the notification appears in the dashboard. Also go to the members email, and see how the email notification is received.

      Given 2 different services, service A and B under the same provider account: 1. Log in as admin, configure member 1 to have access to to Developer Accounts - Applications and Integration and Application plans, and to service A and B 2. Still logged as admin, configure member 2 to have access to Developer Accounts - Applications and Integration and Application plans, and to service A only (in the screenshot 'Sunset') 3. Log in as member, and go to Personal Settings > Notification preferences and check all notifications 4. Log in as member 2, and go to Personal Settings > Notification preferences and check all notifications 5. Log in as admin again, go to applications, select an app that's using service B, and change its plan. Save. 6. Log in as member 2, and see how the notification appears in the dashboard. Also go to the members email, and see how the email notification is received.
    • 3scale 2019-03-11, 3scale 2019-03-25, 3scale 2019-04-08, 3scale 2019-04-23, 3scale 2019-05-06

      In the Dashboard stream in the admin portal that shows the recent events, the events should be filtered according to the admin member permissions. For example, notifications about subscriptions to Service A, or deleting applications for_ Service A_ should only be shown to the member who has access to Service A.


      • dashboard: filter by user permissions: show all current notifications for services that user has access to User will see older notifications if those notifications are part of their current dashboard collection - the last x notifications (something like 10). If they have the permissions, we filter notifications by permission and then just display the last x of that collection.
      • email: just start/stop sending new notifications by email depending on user permissions. User won't get old emails.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-dmayorov Daria Mayorova
            Marta Noya Marta Noya (Inactive)
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            9 Start watching this issue
