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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-4712

3scale Operator CRD holding OAS3 reference as source of truth for 3scale Product configuration


    • 3scale-doc-2021-08-02, 3scale-doc-2021-09-06, 3scale-doc-2021-09-27, 3scale-doc-2021-11-01

      Operator CRD should reference somehow a OAS resource and then the operator should configure the 3scale Product accordingly. 3scale API will support configuration o a 3scale Product having OAS3 as source of truth (issue https://issues.redhat.com/browse/THREESCALE-4213).

      OAS3 resource should be referenced either by some url serving the OAS resource or some secret/ConfigMap holding the OAS resource.

      The same CRD should reference secret with credentials of the OAuth2/OpenID auth type in the OAS

            Unassigned Unassigned
            eguzki Eguzki Astiz Lezaun
            Darren Fennessy Darren Fennessy
            Martin Kudlej Martin Kudlej
            Eguzki Astiz Lezaun Eguzki Astiz Lezaun
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
