Resolution: Done
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3scale 2019-08-12
For API as Product, the mapping rules should belong to BackendApi and not to Proxy. That will require a migration to be performed replacing the owner of each ProxyRule while at the same time rebuilding the relationship with proxy in a new table proxy_rules_proxies(proxy_rule_id, proxy_id).
Dev note
Options to migrate `ProxyRule` from `belongs_to :proxy` to `belongs_to :backend_api`
OPTION 1 - maintenance window
- Stop Saas
- Change all values in `proxy_rules.proxy_id` to the corresponding `backend_api_id`
- Rename `proxy_rules.proxy_id` to `proxy_rules.backend_api_id`
- Deploy code that acknowledges that `ProxyRule` now `belongs_to :backend_api`
- Restart Saas
Pros: fast, clean, painless
Cons: may cause friction with customers and it’s not our best option in case we need to rollback
OPTION 2 - new `proxy_rules` table
- Create a new table `new_proxy_rules` (with better name of course)
- Deploy a temporary version of the code that searches for proxy rules in both tables (old and new) but only saves new records to the new one
- Copy all records from old table to the new one only changing the value of `proxy_id` to corresponding `backend_api_id`
- Deploy new version of the code that only knows about the new table
- Drop the old table
Pros: no maintenance window, safe, best option in case of rollback
Cons: Too long to execute, a lot of code touching only to support intermediary steps
OPTION 3 - new column `backend_api_id` in the old `proxy_rules` table
- Add a new column `backend_api_id` to `proxy_rules`
- Deploy a version of the code that acknowledges the new column (but without depending on it – i.e. `ProxyRule` still `belongs_to :proxy`)
- Run a migration that fills the new column for the old records
- Deploy a version of the code changing in `ProxyRule` from `belongs_to :proxy` to `belongs_to :backend_api`
- Drop column `proxy_id` from `proxy_rules`
Pros: no maintenance window, safe, good option in case of rollback, less code touching
Cons: the steps to add and drop columns lock the table
OPTION 4 - polymorphic owner
Similar to OPTION 3, but instead of a new column `backend_api_id`, we add a column `owner_type` and start treating `proxy_id` as polymorphic.
`proxy_id` can be renamed to `owner_id` or not with a tradeoff between locking the table (to perform the renaming) X some hacking in Rails.
OPTION 5 - polymorphic owner without touching `proxy_id`
Add two columns `owner_id` and `owner_type` to `proxy_rules` backfilling them from `proxy_id` and fixed value ‘Proxy’
Deploy a version of the code that acknowledges the new polymorphic owner of `ProxyRule` making sure it’s always filled
Deploy a version of the code that uses only `owner` and no longer `proxy` of `ProxyRule`
Drop column `proxy_id` from `proxy_rules`
together with creating and populating a third table `proxy_rules_proxies(proxy_rule_id, proxy_id)`