I've realized that this issue is valid also for command 'metric apply'
$ 3scale application-plan create mkudlej 144 plan11 --approval-required=true --cost-per-month=11 --default --disabled --end-user-required=false --publish --setup-fee=22 --system-name=plan11sysname --trial-period-days=33 Created application plan id: 307. Default: true; Disabled: true $ 3scale application-plan apply mkudlej 144 plan11 --approval-required=false --cost-per-month=44 --enabled --end-user-required=false --setup-fee=55 --trial-period-days=66 Applied application plan id: 308; Default: false; Enabled
As you can see application plan is not default after command 'apply'. User hasn't specify in 'apply' command that application plan should not be default. It seems to me that the new one was created which is not marked as default anymore. Why apply command has created new application plan? Is the old one deleted?
I think this should be fixed or documented why has defaultness changed and new app. plan created. Also user should know from command output that new app. plan was created and why. I think this issue is important for automation of API life-cycle.