Resolution: Done
2.5 CR1, 2.5 GA
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
3scale 2019-03-25, 3scale 2019-04-08
As part of the changes of the 2.5 Release, is the upgrade of the PostgreSQL version used in the 'zync-database' DeploymentConfig from 9.5 to 10
How to migrate the data of the database (if applies) should be documented. The procedure should be merged with the procedure on the needed changes at the templates level.
Talk to msorianod to coordinate the documentation steps order between needed template changes and zync data migration changes.
The procedure should be finished before GA so QE can test the upgrade path.
- is documented by
THREESCALE-2040 Create customer facing upgrade document (2.4 to 2.5)
- Closed