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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-2086

Service settings missing in service endpoint


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • System
    • 3scale 2019-04-08, 3scale 2019-04-23, 3scale 2019-05-06, 3scale 2019-06-03

      Using service read endpoint

      GET /admin/api/services/{id}.json

      Some settings are missing:

      • intentions_required
      • buyers_manage_apps
      • buyers_manage_keys
      • referrer_filters_required
      • custom_keys_enabled
      • buyer_key_regenerate_enabled
      • mandatory_app_key
      • buyer_can_select_plan
      • buyer_plan_change_permission_request
      • buyer_plan_change_permission_direct
      • service_buyer_plan_change_permission_credit_card
      • service_buyer_plan_change_permission_request_credit_card
      • service_buyer_plan_change_permission_none
      • service_notification_settings_web_provider
      • service_notification_settings_email_provider
      • service_notification_settings_web_buyer
      • service_notification_settings_email_buyer

      Some of them can be updated using

      PUT /admin/api/services/{id}.json

      And some can be updated in the UI
      But not all of them. And it seems that the ones you can update in the UI don't match completely with the ones that can be updated from the API.

      Compare what can be updated from the UI with what can be updated from the API.

      Should all of them should be available to read and update from service endpoints? Is it safe? We will need other opinions as well - perhaps Product. There could be privacy concerns and/or security concerns.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cbartlet Catherine Bartlett
            Guilherme Cassolato Guilherme Cassolato
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
