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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management

References to v2 in the latest document


      From: https://github.com/3scale/documentation_site/issues/392

      The latest APIcast docs contain references to v2 and should be removed.

      URL: https://support.3scale.net/docs/deployment-options/apicast-self-managed

      Section, Step 2: "Deploy and run APIcast v2" but the these steps apply to all the latest releases of APIcast
      The following text has a v2 reference : "APIcast v2 uses LuaRocks for managing Lua dependencies. "

      kevprice83 commented on May 22

      Probably we should remove version specific references cc @vramosp
      sekharvajjhala commented on May 22

      Another page with references to v2.
      URL: https://github.com/3scale/apicast/blob/master/doc/parameters.md

      APIcast v2 has a number of parameters configured as environment variables.. .
      "Note that when deploying APIcast v2 with OpenShift,"

      vramosp commented on May 22

      Yes, as discussed with @sekharvajjhala this is a bug. We meant to remove all the references to v2 in the docs.

            rhn-support-dmayorov Daria Mayorova
            nathan-rh Nathan Wilson (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue
