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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-11502

Add flag to 3scale-operator to disable zync


    • 3
    • RHOAM Sprint 67, RHOAM Sprint 68, RHOAM Sprint 69, RHOAM Sprint 70

      Some users may want the ability to disable zync components, for example, if they want to manage route creation themselves.

      Add the ability to disable zync components to the 3scale operator.

      Add a new optional boolean field to the APIManager CRD in the ZyncSpec block: "enabled: true|false". This field should be empty or set to true by default.

      When this field is set to false, the operator will skip creating the following components:

      • zync/zync-que/zync-database Deployments
      • zync-que RBAC(Role, RoleBinding, and ServiceAccount)
      • zync Service
      • zync Secret
      • zync/zync-que PodDisruptionBudgets
      • zync/zync-que PodMonitors
      • zync GrafanaDashboards
      • zync/zync-que PrometheusRules

      Note: There are other deployments that may rely on zync components like the zync Secret. When the zync components are disabled, the operator needs to be able to handle this so the rest of the installation isn't blocked.


      • Added ability to disable all zync components while still allowing the remaining 3scale components to fully install
      • Updated upstream documentation with this new feature

              Unassigned Unassigned
              ckyrillo@redhat.com Carl Kyrillos
              Darren Fennessy Darren Fennessy
              Michal Stokluska Michal Stokluska
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
