Resolution: Done
2.14.0 GA
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
RHOAM Sprint 61, RHOAM Sprint 62, RHOAM Sprint 63, RHOAM Sprint 64, RHOAM Sprint 65, RHOAM Sprint 66
Current issue
When using the Backend CRD to create a Backend in 3scale, it is not possible to create it using the wss protocol, for example:
privateBaseURL: 'wss://api.examplewss.com'
The following error is received:
Error "Invalid value: "wss://api.examplewss.com": spec.privateBaseURL in body should match '^https?:\/\/.*$'" for field "spec.privateBaseURL".
However, when creating the same Backend using the admin portal UI, the backend is created without issue.
Expected behavior
Backends with wss protocol should be created with the Backend capabilities without issue.
- relates to
THREESCALE-11346 2.14 Backporting - Backend Support for WSS Protocol
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2024:129555 Release of 3scale-operator 0.12.1mas for RHOAM - Containers
- mentioned on
(3 mentioned on)