Resolution: Unresolved
2.14.0 GA
Current state
In 2.14 version documentation we have 2 places which define how to create custom policies:
Method 1 (new one)
- In Installing APIcast > Injecting custom policies with the APIcast operator
- In Installing 3scale API Management on OpenShift >
2.5.3. Injecting custom policies with the 3scale API Management operator
Method 2 (old one)
- In Administering the API Gateway > I. The API Gateway > 4.3. Custom 3scale APIcast policies
- Technically and from support point of view, the Method 2 is still valid. However it's not up to date according to issues
- Customers are not aware that a different approach is documented (Method 1) or vice versa.
Desired state:
- Option 1: Remove Method 2 from the documentation since Method 1 is easier to implement and troubleshoot. However we need to make sure that ALL use cases can be achieved using Method 1.
- Option 2: Update the Method 2 when APIcast is deployed with the 3scale and APIcast operators and create a link that references the Method 1 in the documentation. Also create a link in the documentation of Method 1 that references Method 2.
- is related to
THREESCALE-6182 Document the APIcast registry API endpoint to push policies
- Closed
THREESCALE-6187 Document how to add custom policies to Self-Managed APIcast without access to 3scale
- Closed
THREESCALE-6188 Update steps to add custom policies when APIcast is deployed with the Operator
- Closed
THREESCALE-9440 Please be consistent with 2.4.3. Injecting custom policies with the 3scale operator and 4.3. Custom 3scale APIcast policies
- To Document