Resolution: Unresolved
Phased Improvements to OpenAPI Support in 3scale Operator
Not Started
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Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
Not Started
To Do
89% To Do, 0% In Progress, 11% Done
This epic replaces THREESCALE-10681 to enhance the 3scale-operator's support of OpenAPI and Swagger.
The tickets in this epic will be broken into 3 phases. Phase 1 and Phase 2 are more must-have features while Phase 3 will consist of nice-to-have features. The phases and features in each phase are subject to change as the work progresses.
Phase 1
- Design OAS 3scale Extensions
- Support limited updates to OAS-generated Product CRs
- Update/Clean Up upstream OpenAPI docs
Phase 2
- Add support for Swagger 2 (OAS 2.0)
- Add support for OpenApi 3.1 (OAS 3.1)
- Extend the validation for checking OIDC configuration on OpenAPI CRs
Phase 3
- Support limited updates to OAS-generated Backend CRs
- Add support to import OAS with multiple backends
- is related to
THREESCALE-10681 Improve Swagger / OpenAPI Support in 3scale Operator
- To Develop