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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-11024

Perf test 2.15 - "large" 50M SKU - multi profile


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • RHOAM Sprint 56, RHOAM Sprint 57, RHOAM Sprint 58

      Replicate as much as possible the performance testing done in 2.8 in order to compare to 2.15


      1. Run a 6 hour sustained rate test at 579 rps with a `standard` profile - use standard APIManager
      2. Run a 6 hour sustained rate test at 579 rps with a `simple` profile - use simple APIManager
      3. Run a 1 hour peak rate test at 868 rps with a `standard` profile - use standard APIManager
      4. Run a 1 hour peak rate test at 868 rps with a `simple` profile - use simple APIManager
      5. Run a 1 hour peak rate at 4X test at 2316 rps with a `simple` profile - use simple APIManager

      rps is users_per_second

      Record parameters used in Hyperfoil. Add HTML to JIRA
      We can also consider switching to Locust if reasons are strong enough

      For each test ensure that:

      • Resources allocated are inline with SKU/Core/Daily API Requests recommendations and previous test runs.
      • Observe total CPU and memory usage across the 3 scaling pods, backend worker, backend listener, apicast prod
      • Compare totals to 2.8 totals
      • Ensure that 3scale remains healthy during the tests
      • No alerts firing, no pods crashing, 3scale not reporting errors (product analytics more accurate than testing tool)

      See test results here Along with extrapolated spreadsheet with resources usage

        1. 50mil-simple-peak-1h-4x.html
          1.74 MB
          Carl Kyrillos
        2. 50mil-simple-peak-1hr.html
          1.74 MB
          Carl Kyrillos
        3. 50mil-simple-steady-6hr.html
          2.57 MB
          Carl Kyrillos
        4. 50mil-standard-peak-1hr.html
          1.75 MB
          Carl Kyrillos
        5. 50mil-standard-peak-1hr-2.html
          1.74 MB
          Carl Kyrillos
        6. 50mil-standard-steady-6hr.html
          2.59 MB
          Michal Stokluska

            Unassigned Unassigned
            bgallagh@redhat.com Brian Gallagher
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
