Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat 3scale API Management'
  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-10205

Confirm specifications for Oracle DB integration


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started

      A customer has requested the following - undocumented - information regarding the Oracle DB integration for 3scale:

      1. The tablespace requirement and its current tablespace provisioning information
      2. The partitioning details
      3. LoB segments
      4. The current size and its growth prediction
      5. Roles and Privileges created
      6. In addition to that 3Scale is also demanding for system user credentials. Please provide the details of the resources created by system user.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-ahobson Aimi Hobson
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