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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-10144

3scale 2.11 operator failing on automatic update to v0.8.5


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • 2.11.2 GA
    • 3scale Operator
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Not Started
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Replace all references of the missing image in the CSV with the following: registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator@sha256:d9ecd9ffb167908d2825b96491edbc138b5b08456775feaaaf99b6fd4f50c19e

      Replace all references of the missing image in the CSV with the following: registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator@sha256:d9ecd9ffb167908d2825b96491edbc138b5b08456775feaaaf99b6fd4f50c19e

      Multiple customers are reporting that the Red Hat Integration - 3scale Operator on the 2.11 update channel is attempting and failing to update to version 0.8.5 with a "manifest unknown" error.

      Support have confirmed that the manifest does not exist in the registry


      162m        Warning   Failed               pod/threescale-operator-controller-manager-v2-78fb6c79cf-cpmrr    Failed to pull image "registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator@sha256:ec2c648cd0394328474de435df3a420f5cc751e09a7d60f394aceeb62900f8e1": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = reading manifest sha256:ec2c648cd0394328474de435df3a420f5cc751e09a7d60f394aceeb62900f8e1 in registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator: manifest unknown: manifest unknown 
      # podman pull registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator@sha256:ec2c648cd0394328474de435df3a420f5cc751e09a7d60f394aceeb62900f8e1
      Trying to pull registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator@sha256:ec2c648cd0394328474de435df3a420f5cc751e09a7d60f394aceeb62900f8e1...
      Error: initializing source docker://registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator@sha256:ec2c648cd0394328474de435df3a420f5cc751e09a7d60f394aceeb62900f8e1: reading manifest sha256:ec2c648cd0394328474de435df3a420f5cc751e09a7d60f394aceeb62900f8e1 in registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/3scale-rhel7-operator: manifest unknown 


            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-ahobson Aimi Hobson
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