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  1. Teiid Designer
  2. TEIIDDES-3060

Duplicate UUID on VDB generated from Teiid Designer


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 11.2.2
    • 9.1
    • Dynamic VDBs
    • None
    • Hide
      • Generate an XML with UUIDs from the attached .VDB file "RegeldatenFedView_lean.vdb".
      • Generate a .VDB using the attached views:
        + utilView.xmi
        + SvzEintragM.xmi
        + Regeldaten.xmi
        + PersonTyp.xmi
        + Negativmerkmal.xmi
        + BoGeschVorgangLesenDataM.xmi
      Generate an XML with UUIDs from the attached .VDB file "RegeldatenFedView_lean.vdb". or Generate a .VDB using the attached views: + utilView.xmi + SvzEintragM.xmi + Regeldaten.xmi + PersonTyp.xmi + Negativmerkmal.xmi + BoGeschVorgangLesenDataM.xmi

      The error of duplicated UUID is thrown when a VDB generated by the Teiid Designer is deployed. There are 2 return object from 2 different functions which have the same UUID.

      The exception is: (The full trace is attached "error_trace.txt")
      java.lang.AssertionError: duplicate uid object result

      In more detail the following views / functions have the same UUID:
      + SvzEintragM / dvkSvz_liesEintragAusSvz
      + BoGeschVorgangLesenDataM / dvkVorgang_liesVorgang

        1. BoGeschVorgangLesenDataM.xmi
          68 kB
        2. Negativmerkmal.xmi
          68 kB
        3. PersonTyp.xmi
          79 kB
        4. Regeldaten.xmi
          86 kB
        5. SvzEintragM.xmi
          68 kB
        6. utilView.xmi
          68 kB
        7. RegeldatenFedView_lean.vdb
          132 kB
        8. error_trace.txt
          24 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              aarellan@redhat.com Abraham Arellano Tavara (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
