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  1. Teiid Designer
  2. TEIIDDES-2984

Non-prepared checkbox in Procedure dialog in Source Model


    • Hide
      1. Create Source model
      2. Right click on model New child--> Procedure... --> set Procedure and click OK
      3. Check Non-prepared button and fill all mandatory settings in Procedure dialog and click OK
      4. Now go to Table Editor
      5. Value relational:Non-Prepared is false
      6. Try to change on true in Table editor (do not work) (The same in Property view)
      Create Source model Right click on model New child--> Procedure... --> set Procedure and click OK Check Non-prepared button and fill all mandatory settings in Procedure dialog and click OK Now go to Table Editor Value relational:Non-Prepared is false Try to change on true in Table editor (do not work) (The same in Property view)

      Value of Non-Prepared is always false and it cannot be changed on true.

            blafond Barry LaFond
            mmajerni@redhat.com Mario Majernik
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
