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  1. Teiid Designer
  2. TEIIDDES-2797

relational:MATVIEW_TTL has wrong type


      TD shows an error after using: "relational:MATVIEW_TTL" 2000

      Value "2000" is not an allowed value for property "relational:MATVIEW_TTL." Value was reset to be an empty value.

      After investigation I discovered that TD allows only boolean values for this property. I don't think this is correct. According to Teiid documentation:
      _teiid_rel:MATVIEW_TTL - time to live in milliseconds. Provide property or cache hint on view transformation - property takes precedence. _

      In https://github.com/Teiid-Designer/teiid-designer/blob/master/plugins/org.teiid.designer.metamodels.relational/relational.mxd there is:

       <p:property advanced="false" index="true" masked="false" name="MATVIEW_TTL" required="false" type="boolean">
              	<p:description locale="en_US">Time to live in milliseconds. Provide property or cache hint on view transformation - property takes precedence. </p:description>
                  <p:display locale="en_US">Time To Live (ms)</p:display>

      Type is set to boolean.

            blafond Barry LaFond
            mmakovy@redhat.com Matus Makovy
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