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  1. Teiid Designer
  2. TEIIDDES-2709

REST WAR Generation - Index.html contains wrong View name in url


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      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Right click on a view model & select pick generate rest procedures from modelling menu
      2. Goto VDB file that containing this view and generate a REST WAR
      3. On a second project do the same
      4. Open generated WAR file and check index.html file content. Check the generated javascript there. You'll see generated url variable value is containing the view name of the first project.
      5. If you see proper value, go back to first VDB and regenerate REST war, check the index.html content

      Steps to Reproduce: 1. Right click on a view model & select pick generate rest procedures from modelling menu 2. Goto VDB file that containing this view and generate a REST WAR 3. On a second project do the same 4. Open generated WAR file and check index.html file content. Check the generated javascript there. You'll see generated url variable value is containing the view name of the first project. 5. If you see proper value, go back to first VDB and regenerate REST war, check the index.html content

      In index.html file, url address of rest services having invalid values on subsequent rest war generation.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      JBDS 9.0 GA + Early Access Alpha2 plugins (access.redhat.com)

      How reproducible:

      In any workspace that contains multiple teiid projects (or single project with multiple views)

      Actual results:

      Wrongly generated index.html file in WAR file

      Expected results:
      index.html has proper url

      Additional info:
      ,I think the view model name is saved in a session value in Eclipse.
      IDE restart is required for proper generation

              rhn-engineering-tejones Edwin Jones
              van.halbert Van Halbert (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
