When a VDB containing view model with a REST procedure is exported as a dynamic VDB, the resulting autogenrated WAR does not work. This is because the generated DDL does not contain the OPTIONS clause with REST properties, nor does it contain the required SET NAMESPACE statement
Generated DDL:
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE testProc (p1 string(4000)) AS BEGIN SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME test, XMLFOREST(ProcedureModel.testProc.p1 AS elem1, 'elem2' AS elem2)) AS xml_out; END;
Expected DDL (note that this also incorporates TEIIDDES-2697):
SET NAMESPACE 'http://teiid.org/rest' AS REST; CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE testProc (p1 string(4000)) RETURNS TABLE (xml_out xml) OPTIONS ("REST:METHOD" 'GET', "REST:URI" 'test/{p1}') AS BEGIN SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME test, XMLFOREST(ProcedureModel.testProc.p1 AS elem1, 'elem2' AS elem2)) AS xml_out; END;
- is incorporated by
TEIIDDES-2699 Issues with Dynamic VDB import/export
- Closed