Resolution: Done
9.0, 9.1
Workaround Exists
I set up a 2 projects with a single model in it. Project 1 has a read-only -model, Project 2 has a writeable model.
I can delete Project 2, but Project 1 sends up a error message dialog that it can't delete because the project has a read-only file in it.
Looking at DeleteResourcesRefactoring.checkResource(), it starts with checking if the resource is in the selected list. If not selected, it'll be an ERROR if a child resources is READ-ONLY, rather than a WARNING.
Further down the method it checks for read-only state of the resource and will set the message.
Problem is the Selected/Top-level Project should determine the severity of the read-only check. At most, the message should be an OK/Warning dialog to ask the user "Read-only resources found... do you still wish to delete?"
adding a method to check that allProjectsSelected() and switching the ERROR read-only status to WARNING at the start of the method seems to work.