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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-4326

Swagger translator bugs and enhancement request


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 9.1
    • 9.0, 9.0.1
    • Misc. Connectors
    • None
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      Bug 1 - use an unnamed array as input to the JsonSerializer.deserialize method. Such as:

      { "scheduleId": 10007, "timeStamp": 1468000572174, "value": 2813018112 }


      { "scheduleId": 10007, "timeStamp": 1468000602173, "value": 2817523712 }


      Bug 2 - inspect the DDL produced for any Swagger based Rest service.

      Bug 1 - use an unnamed array as input to the JsonSerializer.deserialize method. Such as: [ { "scheduleId": 10007, "timeStamp": 1468000572174, "value": 2813018112 } , { "scheduleId": 10007, "timeStamp": 1468000602173, "value": 2817523712 } ] Bug 2 - inspect the DDL produced for any Swagger based Rest service.

      This JIRA is in response to instructions from Ramesh Reddy in the teiid-dev mailing list (http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/teiid-dev/2016-July/000997.html)


      1) JsonSerializer.deserialize with an unnamed array
      If a Rest endpoint is called that returns an unnamed array such as:


      { "scheduleId": 10007, "timeStamp": 1468000572174, "value": 2813018112 }


      { "scheduleId": 10007, "timeStamp": 1468000602173, "value": 2817523712 }


      the JsonSerializer.deserialize method throws an EmptyStackException in the
      END_ARRAY case because the 'fieldName' stack is empty. A check for empty
      in the if clause fixes the problem:

      if (arrayLevel > objectLevel && !fieldName.empty())...

      2) DDL generation
      When the schema DDL is generated from the Swagger, all procedure parameters
      have their NullType set to NullType.No_Nulls. Can this be set depending on
      the Swagger parameter 'required' field? For instance:

      boolean required = parameter.getRequired();
      pp.setNullType(required ? NullType.No_Nulls : NullType.Nullable);

      Enhancement idea:

      REST apis that are not Swagger based could be used with the Swagger
      translator if a user could provide a swagger.json file they've created in
      the Swagger Editor. I've added some changes to SwaggerMetadataProcessor
      that allow a user to specify an importer property, swaggerFilePath, that's
      used in the getSchema method to load the Swagger metadata from file.

            rhn-engineering-rareddy Ramesh Reddy
            evdillon Van Dillon (Inactive)
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            2 Start watching this issue
