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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-4227

Impala Translator - Support Multiple Count Distinct with Group By


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 9.1
    • 8.13.3
    • Misc. Connectors
    • None

      This is somewhat related to TEIID-3743, which added support of multiple count distinct metrics. We have a requirement to allow multiple count distinct metrics grouped by common attributes.

      Currently, we get a failure as follows:

      org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException: TEIID30504 vw_impression_click_transaction_process_date_detail: 500051 TEIID11008:TEIID11004 Error executing statement(s): [Prepared Values: [] SQL: SELECT g_0.process_date_key, SUM(g_0.num_clicks), SUM(g_0.num_impressions), COUNT(DISTINCT g_0.orderid), COUNT(DISTINCT g_0.`hash_tid`), SUM(g_0.sales) FROM detail.vw_impression_click_transaction_process_date_detail g_0 WHERE g_0.process_date_key >= '2016-05-22' AND g_0.process_date_key < '2016-05-23' AND g_0.advertiser_key = 12345 GROUP BY g_0.process_date_key]

      To allow this request to succeed, we could have translator write that Impala query as:

      select nvl(v1.c1,v2.c1), nvl(v1.c2,v1.c2), nvl(v1.c3,v1.c3), v1.c4, v2.c5, nvl(v1.c6,v1.c6)  from (
      SELECT g_0.process_date_key as c1,
               SUM(g_0.num_clicks) as c2,
               SUM(g_0.num_impressions) as c3,
               COUNT(DISTINCT g_0.orderid) as c4,
               SUM(g_0.sales) as c6
      FROM detail.vw_impression_click_transaction_process_date_detail g_0
      WHERE g_0.process_date_key >= '2016-05-22'
              AND g_0.process_date_key < '2016-05-23'
              AND g_0.advertiser_key = 12345
      GROUP BY  g_0.process_date_key
        ) v1 inner join
          SELECT g_0.process_date_key as c1,
               SUM(g_0.num_clicks) as c2,
               SUM(g_0.num_impressions) as c3,
               COUNT(DISTINCT g_0.`hash_tid`) as c5,
               SUM(g_0.sales) as c6
      FROM detail.vw_impression_click_transaction_process_date_detail g_0
      WHERE g_0.process_date_key >= '2016-05-22'
              AND g_0.process_date_key < '2016-05-23'
              AND g_0.advertiser_key = 12345
      GROUP BY  g_0.process_date_key
         ) v2 on v1.c1 = v2.c1;

      FYI rhn-engineering-shawkins

            rhn-engineering-shawkins Steven Hawkins
            walla2sl Scott Wallace (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
