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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-3331

Problem with dynamic vdb column metadata - for salesforce source w/import property


      There seems to be a problem with the column metadata for dynamic vdb with salesforce source. Here is my scenario.

      1) Deploy dynamic vdb w/SF source (attached sample). The VDB sets the 'importer.ModelAuditFields' property to 'true'.
      2) expose the vdb as a jdbc source, then connect to it.
      3) get the column metadata for a table using
      connection.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, fullTableName, null)

      When the vdb has 'importer.ModelAuditFields' = true, some of the columns are missing. Here is a comparison for one of the SF tables

      AccountFeed, (importer.modelAuditFields=false)
      Id, ParentId, Type, IsDeleted, CommentCount, LikeCount

      AccountFeed, (importer.modelAuditFields=true)
      Id, ParentId, Type, CreatedById, CreatedDate, IsDeleted

      with modelAuditFields=true, the audit fields (CreatedById, CreatedDate) are added, but CommentCount and LikeCount are missing. It seems to clip to the same number of cols as the modelAuditFields=false case.

      Second issue (minor)
      The display name for the property is slightly wrong.
      line 75 of SalesForceExecutionFactory is 'Audit Model Fields' - it should be 'Model Audit Fields'.
      line 362 of SalesForceMetadataProcessor - same thing. also suggest changing the description to something like 'Determines if the salesforce audit fields are modeled'

            rhn-engineering-rareddy Ramesh Reddy
            mdrillin1@redhat.com Mark Drilling (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
