Resolution: Done
BIZ-629 - ELS add on for concurrent (non-pay-as-you-go) RHEL offerings
swatch-azure-producer CONSUMES messages from billable_usage topic
- Processing FAILS due to azureUsageContext not available yet. using 72 hours from snapshot_date to in order to determine hard failure vs. retryable failure
- Make sure 72 isn’t a magic number. A constant with java comment is ok. Putting it as an app properties value that COULD be overridden is ok. Don’t expose via env var/clowdapp. The number is unlikely to change unless Azure does things that make the missing subscription id causing this mess available earlier.
- swatch-azure-producer PRODUCES messages to billable-usage.dlt regardless of hard vs retryable failures
- Preserve the original message, so we can reuse this DLQ for any billable-usage failures in the future
- Include message headers
- retry_after = now() + 1hr
- On hard failures that we know (such as we are after the 72 hour window since snapshot_date for update from Azure), errors should be logged at Warning level, with a descriptive log message & structured log data to enable debugging/alerting. On unknown hard failures ERROR with stack trace
- When swatch-azure-producer receives a billableUsage and the subscription can not be determined (subscriptionId unavailable), a message is produced to billable-usage.dlt with retry_after header set to now() + 1hr
- When the subscriptionId is unavailable and the usage is past 72 hours (configurable) old, log a warning
- Log non retriable other errors at either warning or error
- blocks
SWATCH-2100 Process dead letter billable usages messages
- Closed
SWATCH-2102 Update monitoring for billable usage processing failures
- Closed