Create a yaml json schema file in swatch-core/schemas/instances_export.yaml and generate the POJO model using jsonSchema2Pojo.
The schema must define properties necessary for the following JSON example:
{ "instances": [ { "id": "placeholder", "instance_id": "placeholder", "display_name": "placeholder", "sla": "Premium", "usage": "Production", "billing_provider": "aws", "billing_account_id": "placeholder", "measurements": { "Cores": 12 }, "category": "physical", "last_seen": "2023-11-28T16:38:12.951046Z", "guests": [ { "id" "instance_id" "display_name" "last_seen" },] } ] }
Implement uploadJson:
call exportClient.downloadExportUpload with JSON-formatted data
- a JSON-only export of instances should work
- is duplicated by
SWATCH-2018 Report filtered instance data to Export Service in JSON
- Closed