Subscription QE team is actively using cloud accounts where AWS accounts on top list. So we need a way to manage them in a way
- the additions of new users should be quick (By having a default policy named as swatchqe-policy).
- The swatchqe-policy should contain the permisisons to changepassword + EC2 stuff(for instance management) + Billing stuff)
- Pick only one account where we can create different users - so that we can handle the monitoring in case of unused instances)
- Create one common account where if someone wants to check quickly and add its accesskey in vault
- Keep a track of all users being used in automation - recently we realized 'Parag' user is being used in cloudmeter automation and that got deleted accidentally.
- Identify two admins(other than Sachin) one for teamando other for Swatch
For now, lets not touch the existing accounts. Any thoughts/comments ?
We may also look into cloudwash project - where we can send a reminder notfication on smqe - on weekly basis with the list of running instances.
Cloudwash related details in
(Please feel free to create sub-tasks)